
Life with a Freeman 22 MK II

Life with a Freeman 22 MK II2024-04-17T10:16:32+01:00


Freeman 22 MKII

In September of 2021 I became the owner of a 1968 Freeman 22 MKII river cruiser located on the Norfolk Broads.

The boat ‘White Lady’ was in moderate condition, some might say excellent for an over 50 year old GRP vessel. She had her original un-painted gel coat, worn close to the laminate through years of loving polish or perhaps just a couple of over-zealous episodes with coarse cutting compound. She had new upholstery which left a good impression, possibly masking some issues as a first time Freeman owner that would only become apparent after I bought her. Lady was by no means a project but also not a show boat.

This blog is my own personal archive of experiences and technical undertakings which family and friends may find enjoyable (not everything needs to be on facebook) along with others that are about to or have embarked on a similar journey to me. Some pages or galleries will be private as they contain personal family images however I will endeavour to create the equivalent galleries with images removed of family members pulling silly faces or emerging hung-over in the early hours of the day after a heavy night before.

As to my background, my name is Chris and have worked in the marine industry since the mid 90’s, primarily in chandleries. I’ve owned a multitude of boats, mostly of the sailing kind and mostly kept in salt water. I’ve had the pleasure of learning to sail on my father’s International Pandora and owning my first boat, a deep fin keeled Westerly GK24 moving on to a bilge keeled Hunter 272. In more recent times I acquired a Swift 18 trailer sailer which I kept briefly on the Broads until discovering that dropping the mast to go under bridges was a bit of a nuisance without some expensive modifications. I sold the Swift 18 which partially funded the purchase of my current F22 MKII.

The Freeman 22 MK II is a classic motor boat that has captured the hearts of boating enthusiasts for over five decades. Designed by John Freeman, the founder of Freeman Cruisers Ltd, the Freeman 22 MK II was first introduced in the 1960s as a sleek and stylish vessel that combined classic lines with modern performance. This iconic motor boat quickly gained popularity among boaters who sought a reliable and comfortable vessel for exploring rivers, canals, and coastal waters.

Over the years, the Freeman 22 MK II has undergone various improvements and modifications, but its timeless design and exceptional craftsmanship have remained unchanged. Today, these classic motor boats are cherished by boating enthusiasts who appreciate their elegant style, spacious interiors, and superior handling on the water.

Whether you’re a seasoned boater or a first-time owner, the Freeman 22 MK II is a vessel that offers both beauty and functionality. With its classic lines, comfortable accommodations, and smooth cruising capabilities, it’s no wonder that the Freeman 22 MK II remains a beloved part of boating history.


The first cruise of 2025

As much as I love to see people enjoying themselves on the Broads, there is a wonderful 'Goldilocks' period of time for private boat owners between winter and Easter. Most of the hire yards release eager but often careless non-boaters onto the waterways, congesting pub moorings and making most moorings untenable if you hope to keep your boat free

10 March 2025|Categories: Travelogue|

Autumn Cruise for Half Term

When we first aquired our Freeman 22 MKII and commenced cruising the Norfolk Broads, it quickly became clear that the Broads weren't actually that big. It is perfectly feasible to 'do' every part of the Broads in three weeks. I now find that almost all pictures I'm now taking I have taken before and am effectively repeating myself.

2 November 2024|Categories: Travelogue|

Freeman meet at Salhouse 2024

Despite having an ongoing gearbox stubshaft alignment issue, the problem wasn't severe enough for us to bail out of the essential northern Broads Freeman meet at Salhouse. The meet ran over three'ish days, with two overnights starting on the Friday. With us living a modest distance away from the boat and Friday being a school day and not being

9 September 2024|Categories: Travelogue|

The holiday that wasn’t

It has almost become tradition to head to the southern broads for our summer holidays but this year nothing went to plan. Our gearbox has started to make unpleasant rumblings at low revs but I had a good idea what it was (which I've documented on the technical pages). I thought it was something I could fix within

13 August 2024|Categories: Travelogue|

Freeman Southern Broads Meet and Cruise

Participatining in this year's 2024 Southern Broads Freeman meet and cruise was always going to be a disjointed affair for us. Most vessels made for the south on the Thursday before the Bank Holiday weekend however with my daughter being in school and me having to work, the earliest we could leave our Ranworth mooring was late on the

7 June 2024|Categories: Travelogue|

A dinghy on the side

Much as I have a passion for my Freeman 22 and cruising her, at heart I'm a sailor having had small yachts all my life. I didn't exactly learn to sail in a dinghy as is the norm, but with a friend's Leisure 17 and shortly after my father's MK1 fin-keeled Pandora. The first yacht I owned was

14 May 2024|Categories: Blog|


Replacing starter solenoid

I was beginning to have issues with my starter motor disengaging almost instantaneously on turning the ignition key. The starter motor was brand new along with a new ring gear on the flywheel at the end of the previous season. The wiring integrity appeared sound and the ignition switch was also relatively new. The result was having to

10 March 2025|Categories: Technical|

Modified flywheel and re-faced stub shaft back from machine shop

As mentioned in a previous post, aligning engine, flywheel and stubshaft to a 0.002" run-out tolerance is at best highly frustrating and at worst, something that requires surgery. The problem is that only a single dowel between the crankshaft flange and flywheel exists to assist alignment with only the bolt holes helping alignment with the stub shaft. Given

23 October 2024|Categories: Technical|

Escalation, the dangers of saying “While I’m at it”

It was supposed to be a fairly simple job, having removed my J-type gearbox to deal with an on-going stub-shaft issue, I thought it would be as well to replace the well worn starter ring gear on my flywheel and also the starter motor as the bendix was becoming quite sloppy and damaged with a new starter not

13 August 2024|Categories: Technical|

Stub shaft again !

Recently I'd noticed clunking, almost reminiscent of piston slap when putting mye engine into gear and running at low revs. My initial thought was that there may have been some J-Type gearbox damage from my old mal-aligned stub shaft. The old stub shaft had suffered a woodruff key and keyway failure resulting in the shaft running un-true and

26 July 2024|Categories: Technical|

Water pump shaft seals replacement and general service

Last autumn (2023) I noticed a small oily water leak from what appeared to be my water pump. It was by no means severe and something I put off till the start of the season. In my mind I'd built it up to be something potentially difficult, given I had no idea how it would all come apart. I

14 April 2024|Categories: Technical|

Semi Winterising

I refuse to admit defeat, with the majority of other boats around me being either hauled out for winter, winterised afloat or simply abandoned till the spring. None of these options really work for me as I do like to grab an opportunity for a winter cruise or trip to an empty staithe to access a pub which

25 November 2023|Categories: Blog, Technical|
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