Categories: Travelogue

by chris


It has almost become tradition to head to the southern broads for our summer holidays but this year nothing went to plan.

Our gearbox has started to make unpleasant rumblings at low revs but I had a good idea what it was (which I’ve documented on the technical pages). I thought it was something I could fix within a couple of weeks before the holiday but it wasn’t to be. A combination of waiting for parts, technical challenges and logistics meant that we were only able to get out for three days of our two weeks. This meant that ‘Lady’ became a bit of a Ranworth holiday cottage but to be fair, there are worse places to be stranded.

Our time was mostly spent fishing but we were able to take a trip up to Coltishall via Hoveton and on to a blustery night at Dilham rounded off with a slightly noisy night spent at Fleet Dyke (South Wlasham) thanks to a hire boat becoming a surrogate nightclub.

Our final holiday day was spent joining our first dinghy race from Horning to Thurne and back, hosted by the exceptionally welcoming Horning Sailing Club.

So really just a few snaps but still an enjoyable time spent aboard our little Freeman.